Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Homeless Life By Choice (kind of)

If you have read my previous blogs, you know I have a dream of self-sufficiency and living free.  What I mean by this, in essence, is that I want to live my life without being controlled by others or indebted to others or dependent on others.  I have tried various methods to accomplish this, and theorized many others.  My current lifestyle is that of being homeless by choice.  I say "by choice", because if Kim and I so chose, we could rent a room or studio. But in this area, the cost of such a thing, would ensure that we had zero money to expand our horizons, get out of debt, and eat healthy.  I think this is the trap many Americans find themselves caught in.  From cradle to grave, we are made to want certain things.  A home, preferably owned.  A vehicle, preferably a newer model. The latest clothing.  The tastiest food. The best "education".  The classiest entertainment. And if you can't afford these things, you are made to feel inferior to those who can.  That is, unless you become one of the "proud poor", who cherish their generic brands, clunker cars, rented homes and trailers, processed food and crass entertainment.  The latter folks mainly take pride in these things, not because they are "better" or "just as good", but because secretly they want the upper middleclass lifestyle, but know they will never attain it, so they take a false pride in what they CAN have, to dilute the shame they feel deep inside.  But I have had a revelation;  I believe these two "opposing" mindsets are actually both unhealthy, and designed to keep class warfare ongoing, instead of elevating our minds from the morass of nationalism, classism, and sensualism.

Nationalism keeps people interested in politics, for love of country.  This makes sure those fiery individuals with potential for recruiting believers to their cause, will funnel that energy back into the system, the status quo, instead of actually initiating the real change required to further our species and our planet.

Classism keeps those who have a need to be "superior" basically chasing their tails.  The energy and time required trying to "keep up with Joneses" and have the best of everything could be much better spent trying to figure out what things are truly needed in life, and what the far reaching effects of our entertainment based society is going to have.  And of course, those too poor to play "the game" are left feeling dissatisfied, left-out, angry and uneducated.  It seems, in our American society, the side of the Philosopher is ignored altogether.  While his points cause introspection and concession during a talk, afterwards his words are soon forgotten, and the siren's call of sensualism takes hold once again.

Sensualism, by my definition, is when a person spends the majority of their time or energy trying to satisfy the senses.  Whether it be taste buds, the ears, the eyes, or touch, many people choose to opt out of "the rat race" to pursue a world of sensual pleasure.  "Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die" rings true for many.  While this mindset certainly seems more natural than that of those who choose to compete materially with each other, it still does nothing to promote the greater good or increase the actual happiness one receives from life.  Sensory pleasure is illusory, not real.  It is just signals interpreted by your brain.  It is a form of masturbation.  While these things are needed from time to time and are perfectly natural, as humans we have the ability to overdo things.  We tend to see things in terms of instant gratification, instead of the far reaching effects.  To know that, we need critical thinking and education.  But not the kind you get in school.  The education that matters most, is the kind you give yourself.  The government will not provide you an education that will raise your mind above such petty issues as nationalism, politics, antiquated science, and capitalism.  The future of our "nation" depends on the government keeping us "productive", meaning they need to keep us ignorant, buying things and making money, so they can continue to reap the taxes from it to support our military, which the threat of is used to bully the rest of the world into "our" way of thinking, thus keeping America "on top".  After all, the person who makes the rules of the game, tends to win.

With all this in mind, I decided something had to be done. But what?  For a long time, I railed against hypocrites, tried to spread philosophy, educated myself on all the other forms of thought and logic that I had been kept from.  I tried using video and audio to show others.  And I came to a sobering conclusion.  Much like Morpheus in "The Matrix", when trying to explain to Neo why the average person can be an enemy, even though you want to save them. He said, "You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inured, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it."  
So I stopped trying to "save" everyone, like a born again Christian, and instead decided to follow through with the realization that I can only control myself, and I am only responsible for myself.  As Ghandi said, "Be the change you want to see in the world".  I always thought that sounded more like a sound byte than a real truth, but now I get it.  Whatever you do, think to yourself, "If everyone did this, what would the world be like?"  So instead of asking "What would Jesus do?", I ask "What should everyone do?"  And that is what I try to do.  That is why I'm a raw Vegan.  That is why I choose to live free instead of paying rent.  That is why I choose to not slave away at a job I do not like for money I do not need to buy things that serve no real purpose, other than to distract you from the truth.  It is also why I am writing this.  For though I know that no one can see the path until they are ready, I hope that by me just putting what I know out on the net, maybe it might help someone who stumbles across it, on their own journey.  I know in my own research, the writings of other thinking individuals caused a great many things to stir within me I had no idea were there.  So here are the seeds of awakening.  Get to watering!

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