Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Smoked plain Salvia leaves, no extract. Written while coming down.

(First hit) It's temporary and it'll be over soon (life, and the uncomfortable unpleasantness of it)....I was at a sports game as a soccer or something....but it wasn't's the dream world....and i felt like I wanted  to get up and go but I was stuck to that a piece of tape or a sticker...two dimensional... there were people felt like they were my mother and the coach...getting impatient...but not anyone I knew from "my real" past....I felt reality roll away, and those people were part of the "sheet" of reality being swept away..I realized that if I tried to describe any of this to people in this fake reality, they would not be able to comprehend it, them being only "2-D".  How do you describe reality to someone who's never experienced it?

(Second hit) It was as if I was a little boy....under the couch....and I had fallen

asleep....and that the "real world" was all just a dream...that the world

we're I'm a little boy asleep under a couch, in the 1980's is the real

world....I feel like I am anticipating my mother or grandmother reaching

under the couch, and gently pulling me out from under it.  Aparently I had

been playing "hide and seek" and fell asleep, only to dream this world of

2011.  I cannot tell which, if either, world is real.  For, while it

appears to me now that THIS world is real, the world of 1980's under the

couch seemed just as real then.  The surety of the "realness" was


(3rd hit) I can;t focus on the real world. The world I was at.... I could only focus

on one part, just a pillar.  The pillar was all I could see and pay

attention to.  It felt like I was missing a much greater whole by just

focusing on a fancy part, a part that really had no meaning...and I

remember thinking..."damn I can't stop looking at this stupid pole...I'm

missing the real thing.

(4th hit) I remember them....boy they don't want me to, but I do.... as I was being

rolled into the whole "little boy under a couch" reality, it peeled away

and the transition was supposed to be as a feminine family member pulling me out from under the couch as I wakened to the half-asleep state where you

can kind-of remember your dreams, but then it paused because I caught

them.  I caught the beings that have to roll your realities.  They, when

approached, give off a feeling of familiarity, and peacefulness.  Like a

loving, close family member...but they screwed up.  I didn't HAVE any

loving family it seemed a little off from the start.  That's

when they knew they had been caught,  There was a feeling of "What now?"

coming from them, then dissapointment.  I felt bad for them and told them

"It's okay, you can try to impersonate my Dad!" (I was

trying to give them an image to give me to fit the disguise they

apparently needed to interact with me.  My father was the only positive

influence from my childhood.

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